This web page presents the technological knowledge
I have acquired along the way.
For extra information CLICK HERE to view my Github Profile,
or CLICK HERE to see my portfolio website.

View Tech Stack


Java Proficient
Spring Framework Proficient
Spring Hibernate JPA Proficient
Spring Cloud Microservices Competent
OOP Proficient
AOPAdvanced Beginner
JUnit Proficient
Mockito Proficient
REST API Proficient
RabbitMQ Advanced Beginner
WSO2 ESB Novice


SQL Proficient
SSMS Proficient
MySQL Proficient
JDBC Competent
SSIS Novice
MongoDB Novice


AWS Novice
EC2 Advanced Beginner
S3 Competent
RDS Advanced Beginner
CloudFront Novice
Heroku Competent

Work ENV

Git Competent
Agile Proficient
Scrum Proficient
Jira Proficient
Monday Proficient
CI/CD Novice
Jenkins Advanced Beginner
Splunk Advanced Beginner

Async and IMDG Tools

Eclipse Vert.x Advanced Beginner
Vert.x Event Bus Advanced Beginner
Spring WebFlux Novice
Reactive programming Novice
Hazelcast Novice

Microservices Tools

Spring Cloud Microservices Competent
Hystrix Dashboard Advanced Beginner
Consul Discovery Advanced Beginner
Ribbon Load Balancer Advanced Beginner
Hystrix Circuit Breaker Advanced Beginner
Spring Cloud Gateway Advanced Beginner
FeignClient Advanced Beginner


ReactJS Advanced Beginner
Angular Novice
JavaScript Advanced Beginner
TypeScript Advanced Beginner
Bootstrap Proficient
Material UI Advanced Beginner
HTML Proficient
CSS Proficient

Libraries and External API’s

Apache Commons CSV Library Proficient
Balldontlie’s API Proficient
WebSocket API Novice
Geoapify Proficient
HolidayAPI Proficient
Bucket4j Github's Library Proficient
And More...


IntelliJ IDEA Proficient
Eclipse IDE Proficient
Visual Studio Code Proficient

Authentication & Authorization Techniques

Sessions Technique Competent
JWT Technique Competent


Slack Proficient
Salesforce CRM Competent
Excellent technical documentation and reporting skills Proficient
Experience in delivering lectures Competent


I will definitely learn additional technologies soon 😍